Inspire People to Encounter God

The heartbeat of our worship ministry is to inspire people to encounter God. John 4:24 says that God is "seeking" or looking for true, authentic worshipers and this is the reason we desire to be a worshiping church. We want people to live a lifestyle of worship unto God on a daily basis, and we want to put Jesus at the center of our corporate gatherings. Our vision is to set the atmosphere for people to encounter God in the larger church gatherings.

Worship Band

Your Worship Team Leaders at Liberty, Jeff Hammond, Jenny Olsen, Candace Olsen and Chris Olsen, are here to help is all come before our Lord and Savior in worship and love. Our Worship Team does not see itself as entertainers, but people who lead and encourage all who come to see the true love and value of our God. Liberty enjoys a fresh worship that utilizes both more modern songs and some traditional with a modern flair. The music is not too loud and not too soft. There may be clapping with a good beat or there may be some soft acapella. Our goal is authentic worship with the best we can do!