Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events and Ministries are listed here to keep you abreast of what's happening at Liberty Church.  Take advantage of these opportunities that may help you in your spiritual walk, in fellowship or simply to have an enjoyable time.  

  • Teen’s f2f Gathering — Sunday

    March 22

    Liberty's f2f (face to face) is a ministry to teens from 6th - 12th grade.  It meets the second and fourth Sunday of the month during sermon time for both spiritual mentoring and fellowship.

  • Men's Breakfast and Fellowship - Saturday,  April 11 @ 8 am

    Hey men, plan on joining us here at Liberty at 8 am for breakfast, spiritual enrichment and fellowship!  It is a good time to go a little deeper with Christ and with one another.


  • Good Friday Service 6 PM

    Easter Morning 10:30 AM